Evidenced is excited to sponsor the "Leader of the Year" award at the British Recruitment Awards 2024 by New Possible


Philip Spain


min read


5 Sept 2024

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We’re excited to be partnering with the British Recruitment Awards 2024 by New Possible 🏆

We decided to sponsor the Leader of the Year awards to reflect the incredible work of so many individual TA and Recruitment leaders in the UK over the last 12 months, particularly through such a difficult period for the industry.

So many of you have shared your expertise, advice and well wishes with those looking for new opportunities, all while managing large teams and hitting growth targets of your own! It’s such a pleasure to be able to join in honouring a few of those who deserve extra recognition for all their hard work.

Thanks to New Possible for giving us the opportunity, and to the esteemed panel of expert judges they’ve put together. So much quality in one room!

See you all in November, where we can’t wait to present the awards to the worthy winners 🤝

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