Case Study

Learn how Evidenced helped UnderwriteMe to make more accurate hiring decisions and get back to most candidates the same day

Case Study

Learn how Evidenced helped UnderwriteMe to make more accurate hiring decisions and get back to most candidates the same day

Case Study

Learn how Evidenced helped UnderwriteMe to make more accurate hiring decisions and get back to most candidates the same day




of interview decisions submitted within 3 hours


interviews rewatched to guide decision making & training


positive user feedback from Hiring Managers

Head office

London, UK


Fintech - Insurance


150 - 300

Open roles

10 - 20

UnderwriteMe was founded in 2012 with the aim of bringing the process of selling life insurance into the 21st century, providing innovative solutions to streamline the underwriting process and provide a better user experience. Now part of reinsurance giant Pacific Life Re, their pioneering platform is transforming the global life insurance industry, making life insurance faster, easier and more accessible.

To develop tech products that disrupt and enable the future of underwriting, UnderwriteMe knew they needed to hire the best people. That's why they turned to Evidenced.


UnderwriteMe had many of the challenges that growing businesses face when it comes to hiring. Recognising these, they engaged Evidenced to help them overcome them and streamline their interview processes.

  1. Lack of structure in the interview process: With no way to enforce formal assessment criteria during interviews, interviewers worked in silos, often asking candidates about repeated topics.

  2. Inexperienced interviewers: Varying levels of interview experience across the team left engineers and Hiring Managers unsure of best practice and the most effective ways to assess candidates.

  3. Hiring Managers not fully engaged during interviews: Having to focus on note-taking and think about what to ask next means interviewers weren't able to engage in deep and meaningful conversations with candidates.

  4. Lack of confidence in the quality of hires: Over time, the team found it difficult to know what "good" looks like, and how to measure and improve the success rate of their hires.

“I really liked Evidenced and I saw it plugged a lot of gaps I’ve seen at many companies I’ve worked at.

Lack of structure in our interviewing process. People interviewing in silos, asking the same questions over and over. Hiring Managers not engaging with candidates and head down note taking.

We weren’t 100% confident in the quality of candidates we were bringing in and the quality we wanted to bring in.“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe

“I really liked Evidenced and I saw it plugged a lot of gaps I’ve seen at many companies I’ve worked at.

Lack of structure in our interviewing process. People interviewing in silos, asking the same questions over and over. Hiring Managers not engaging with candidates and head down note taking.

We weren’t 100% confident in the quality of candidates we were bringing in and the quality we wanted to bring in.“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe

“I really liked Evidenced and I saw it plugged a lot of gaps I’ve seen at many companies I’ve worked at.

Lack of structure in our interviewing process. People interviewing in silos, asking the same questions over and over. Hiring Managers not engaging with candidates and head down note taking.

We weren’t 100% confident in the quality of candidates we were bringing in and the quality we wanted to bring in.“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe


Given the challenges they faced, UnderwriteMe chose Evidenced to be the platform to deploy their structured interviews across the business. It now forms the core of their interviewing process, enabling faster onboarding, easier training and high quality interview performance across the whole team.

  1. Structured interviews with live guidance: UnderwriteMe created interview templates based on assessment criteria for each role, ensuring there's no repetition for the candidate or wasted effort from the interviewers.

  2. A library of interviews for review and learning: Inexperienced interviewers can now watch "best practice" interviews in order to quickly and easily get up to speed on how to run great interviews themselves.

  3. Key moments recorded & automatically bookmarked: Interviews are recorded, transcribed and automatically bookmarked, eliminating the need to rely on manual notes and greatly improving engagement with candidates.

  4. Confident hiring decisions: Evidenced gives the team one place to review all feedback across all interviews and dive into any points of contention, facilitating quick and easy debriefs involving all key stakeholders.

“It’s super simple to use, Hiring Managers just need to turn up and have the conversation, everything is set up and ready for them.

Having the recordings means we're not waiting for people if they can’t attend an interview. I can just say, 'here’s the link, watch it and give me your feedback.'“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe

“It’s super simple to use, Hiring Managers just need to turn up and have the conversation, everything is set up and ready for them.

Having the recordings means we're not waiting for people if they can’t attend an interview. I can just say, 'here’s the link, watch it and give me your feedback.'“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe

“It’s super simple to use, Hiring Managers just need to turn up and have the conversation, everything is set up and ready for them.

Having the recordings means we're not waiting for people if they can’t attend an interview. I can just say, 'here’s the link, watch it and give me your feedback.'“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe


Evidenced gave UnderwriteMe the centralised platform it needs to accelerate and improve their interview processes and hiring decisions, making it effortless for key stakeholders to weigh in when necessary. The results are huge time and cost savings for both recruiters and hiring managers, more accurate hiring decisions, and a very highly rated interview experience for both candidates and interviewers.

  1. A big win for interviewers: Interviews are now well prepped, structured and consistent, resulting in 88% positive Hiring Manager feedback. Over 120 best-practice questions are ready to deploy to new roles and stages as needed.

  2. Accurate decisions with minimal onboarding: With Evidenced taking care of recording and bookmarks, 2 out of every 3 interviews are watched back to ensure the right decision is made or to train new interviewers.

  3. A big win for candidates: With the 4 most important moments of every interview automatically bookmarked, interviewers are much more engaged with candidates, as shown by the 93% positive candidate feedback.

  4. Fast, confident decision making at scale: With 72% of interview decisions submitted within 3 hours, the team can now debrief and get back to the best candidates the same day before they're snapped up by competitors.

“As a recruiter it’s enabled me to better understand what Hiring Managers are looking for from candidates. 

I can watch interviews and get a real understanding of how they describe the company, the team and the role which is really powerful.“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe

“As a recruiter it’s enabled me to better understand what Hiring Managers are looking for from candidates. 

I can watch interviews and get a real understanding of how they describe the company, the team and the role which is really powerful.“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe

“As a recruiter it’s enabled me to better understand what Hiring Managers are looking for from candidates. 

I can watch interviews and get a real understanding of how they describe the company, the team and the role which is really powerful.“

Ben Mason

Talent Manager, UnderwriteMe