How to Create an Interview Scorecard


Andy Clarke


min read


7 Jun 2024

Want to make more accurate hiring decisions?

Example of an interview scorecard

Creating an effective interview scorecard can be a game-changer when it comes to making objective, data-driven hiring decisions. You've spent countless hours sifting through CVs and prepping for interviews, only to find that selecting the right candidate still feels like a shot in the dark. This is where an interview scorecard comes in. By providing a structured, consistent way to evaluate candidates, scorecards can significantly improve the quality and fairness of your hiring process. Let’s explore how you can create a powerful interview scorecard and understand its benefits and key components.

1. Understanding Interview Scorecards

1.1 What is an Interview Scorecard?

An interview scorecard is a tool used during the interviewing process to standardise the assessment of candidates. Its primary goal is to systematically evaluate specific skills, experiences, and attributes against predefined criteria.

Imagine you're interviewing for a key role and want to ensure you evaluate every candidate fairly. With a scorecard, you can rate each candidate using the same metrics, making it easier to compare them objectively later. This standardisation prevents unconscious bias from creeping in, making your hiring process more equitable.

Components of a typical scorecard include:

  • Key Competencies: Predefined skills and attributes.

  • Ratings Scale: Often numerical (e.g., 1-5) for easy comparison.

  • Comments/Notes: Space for interviewer observations.

Example: If hiring for a marketing role, you might include competencies like "strategic thinking," "creativity," and "communication skills" in your scorecard.

Pro-tip: Use scorecards to capture both quantitative (ratings) and qualitative (comments) data for a balanced view of each candidate.

1.2 Benefits of Using Scorecards

Using interview scorecards can drastically improve your hiring process. They bring several key benefits that streamline and enhance candidate evaluation.

Objective Comparisons: With set criteria, you ensure every candidate is measured against the same standards. This ensure fairness and reduces chances of bias.

Consistent Evaluations: Scorecards promote consistency across interviews. Regardless of who conducts the interview, the candidate assessment remains uniform.

Increased Focus: By having predefined areas to assess, interviewers can focus their questions and observations more effectively, ensuring no critical competencies are overlooked.

Improved Decision-Making: With structured data at your fingertips, making the final hiring decision becomes simpler and more informed. You can easily see which candidate best matches your criteria.

Example: Hiring managers can use scorecards to gather structured feedback from multiple interviewers, leading to a more rounded and thorough evaluation of each applicant during wash-up meetings.

Pro-tip: Always align your scorecards with the job description to ensure they are relevant and reflect the essential requirements of the role.

1.3 Key Components of an Effective Scorecard

Creating an effective scorecard involves including several key components. Here’s what you should consider:

Competencies and Skills: Tailor these to the specific role. Clearly define what you’re looking for. Example: For a sales role, you might assess negotiation skills, product knowledge, and client engagement.

Rating Scale: Use a consistent numerical scale (e.g., 1-5). This makes it easier to total up scores and compare candidates quantitatively.

Behavioural Anchors: These are descriptions of what each level of performance looks like. They ensure interviewers apply the ratings consistently. Example: A '5' for negotiation skills might mean "consistently closes deals above target."

Comments and Notes Sections: Essential for capturing qualitative data. Interviewers can note specific observations or examples that justify their ratings.

Weighting Factors: Some competencies may be more critical than others. Weight these accordingly to reflect their importance in the overall score.

Example: If communication skills are crucial, you might weight this higher than other competencies.

Pro-tip: Regularly review and update your scorecards. The roles and required competencies might evolve, and your scorecards should reflect these changes to remain effective.

2. Creating Your Interview Scorecard with Evidenced

When designing interviews and scorecards with Evidenced, you have the flexibility to tailor them to meet specific hiring needs. You can quickly build easy-to-follow interview templates, including questions, interviewer instructions, and even code blocks. This ensures that all necessary criteria are covered, giving every candidate a fair assessment and aligning your interviewers on what the look for.

Evidenced allows you to:

  • Design your perfect scorecard: Customise based on your specific criteria.

  • Integrate with ATS: Pull in scorecards directly from systems like Greenhouse, Workday etc.

  • Build templates quickly: Use the Evidenced question library packed with best-in-class questions.

  • Distribute questions: Share libraries across all interview templates for consistency.

This ensures that crucial information is assessed and recorded effectively, aiding in making well-informed hiring decisions.

You can employ Evidenced's built-in interviewing features like live transcriptions and video recordings for a more detailed review process later.

By using the question library and customisable scorecards, you can standardise the interview process, ensuring every candidate is assessed fairly across the same metrics. Quick bookmarks also allow you to highlight significant moments during interviews, which can be easily reviewed by team members at any time.

Creating an interview scorecard with Evidenced guarantees a well-organised and fair assessment process without sacrificing efficiency. By using these features, you streamline the interview process, maintain consistency, and ultimately make more informed hiring decisions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you “score” points in an interview?

Scoring points in an interview involves evaluating a candidate's responses based on pre-determined criteria. This can include technical skills, problem-solving ability, and communication skills, among others.

How to calculate interview score?

Calculate interview scores by assigning numeric values to each response or competency. Add the scores of all the individual sections to arrive at a total score, which can then be compared to other candidates' scores.

What is an interview scorecard rating?

An interview scorecard rating is a numeric or categorical value assigned to a candidate's responses. It allows interviewers to objectively compare candidates based on a standardised set of criteria.

What is the interview scorecard rubric?

An interview scorecard rubric is a guide that outlines the specific criteria and scoring system used to evaluate candidates. It helps interviewers rate competencies and behaviours consistently.