How to Track the Hiring Process


Philip Spain


min read


3 Jun 2024

Want to make more accurate hiring decisions?

Tracking the hiring process

You've likely invested a lot in recruiting the best talent. However, if you're not tracking the hiring process effectively, you might be missing out on key insights that can improve your operations. By understanding the performance of each stage you can make more informed decisions and improve your hiring outcomes. In this article, we'll break down what the hiring process entails, the critical stages involved, and how you can keep a close eye on your progress.

1. Understanding the Hiring Process

1.1 What is the Hiring Process?

The hiring process is a series of steps from identifying a vacancy to onboarding new employees. It often begins with recognising the need for a new hire due to a gap in skills or an increase in workload. Following this, a job description is crafted, applications are accepted, and candidates are shortlisted for interviews.

After the interview phase, candidates are assessed, and the best fit for the role is offered the position.

Key milestones at a glance:

  • Identify a vacancy: Determine if a new hire is needed due to skills gaps or increased workload.

  • Create job descriptions: Outline the specifics of the role and the qualifications required.

  • Accept applications: Collect applications from potential candidates through job boards, company websites, or recruiters.

  • Screen and shortlist: Narrow down the list to the most qualified candidates for interviews.

  • Assess and select: Conduct interviews and assessments to select the best candidate for the job.

  • Offer and onboard: Extend an offer and onboard the new hire into the company.

Pro-tip: Before starting the hiring process, ensure you fully understand the responsibilities of the vacant position. This will make each subsequent step more precise and effective.

1.2 Key Stages in the Hiring Process

Understanding the stages of the hiring process can help in running it more efficiently. The key stages typically include:


  • Job description writing: Define roles and responsibilities clearly.

  • Setting expectations: Decide on timelines and desired outcomes.


  • Channels: Leverage various platforms like LinkedIn, your company website, and job boards.

  • Content: Create attractive and clear job posts to reach the suitable candidates.


  • Application review: Go through resumes and cover letters to filter candidates.

  • Initial interview: Conduct preliminary screening interviews to assess candidates quickly.


  • Technical Assessment: Evaluate candidates’ specific skills through tests or assignments.

  • Behavioural interview: Behavioural questions with a non-technical leader, often based around company values.


  • Welcome kits: Prepare necessary materials to help new hires understand their role and the company.

  • Training: Schedule training sessions and briefings to get the new employee up-to-speed.

Pro-tip: To avoid bias during the selection stage, use structured interviews and predefined scoring rubrics aligned with your job descriptions, see how Evidenced can help with this.

1.3 Benefits of Tracking the Hiring Process

By keeping close tabs on your hiring process, you can gain many advantages that significantly impact your overall business efficiency.

Identify Bottlenecks:

  • Step-by-step analysis: Determine where delays or issues arise in the hiring process.

  • Optimise interviews: Ensure you’re running interviews which are assessing candidates properly.

Enhance Candidate Experience:

  • Feedback loops: Gather feedback at different stages to improve the recruitment process.

  • Consistent communication: Maintain transparent communication channels to keep candidates engaged and informed.

Make Data-Driven Decisions:

  • Metrics tracking: Measure key performance indicators such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and candidate satisfaction.

  • Continuous improvement: Use data insights to continuously refine your hiring processes.

Pro-tip: Utilise applicant tracking systems (ATS) to store and analyse hiring data effectively, making it easier to spot trends and areas for improvement.

By understanding and optimising each stage of the hiring process, you ensure that you're not just filling positions but finding the right people who will contribute positively to your organisation.

2. Strategies and Tools to Track the Hiring Process

2.1 Using Technology Solutions like Evidenced

The technology available today can significantly improve your recruitment efforts. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), for instance, allow you to manage job postings, applications, and candidate communication all in one place. Using such tools, you can create a database of candidates, track their progress through the hiring funnel, and generate reports on different stages of the process. Features to look for in ATS include easy integration with job boards, customisable workflows, and detailed analytics.

Other practical tools include video interviewing platforms for remote interviews. These platforms often feature capabilities like scheduling, automated reminders, and recording options. Recording interviews can be particularly useful for reviewing candidate responses later, sharing with other decision-makers, or improving the interview process itself. Notes and ratings functionality within these tools help document key points and impressions in real-time, facilitating a more thorough and fair evaluation process.

Pro tip: Look for tools that offer integration with your existing systems to avoid data silos and streamline information flow across departments.

2.2 Implementing Structured Interview Processes with Evidenced

Structured interviews ensure that each candidate is evaluated fairly and consistently. Start by defining the key competencies for the role and creating a list of core questions focusing on these areas. Establishing a standard interview format helps interviewers stay on track and allocate appropriate time for each question or section. Implementing a rating system and scorecard allows for easier comparison between candidates.

Consider using interview templates. These can include pre-set questions, explanatory notes for interviewers, and sections for recording responses and scores. These templates make it easy to maintain consistency across interviews and enable less experienced interviewers to participate effectively. Using structured processes can improve the overall candidate experience, reduce unconscious bias, and ensure you gather the relevant data for making an informed hiring decision.

Pro tip: Regularly update and refine your interview templates based on feedback and performance data to keep them aligned with your hiring objectives.

2.3 Analysing Performance and Making Adjustments

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) provides valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of your hiring process. Common KPIs include time to hire, cost per hire, and candidate satisfaction scores. Reviewing these metrics regularly helps identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or areas for improvement. Using a tool like Evidenced allows you to show candidates post-interview surveys to gather feedback. Providing insights into their experiences and identifying opportunities to enhance your interview process.

Using performance data, you can make data-driven adjustments to your hiring strategy. For example, if the data reveals that a particular source consistently yields top-performing candidates, you might increase your recruiting efforts there. Alternatively, if a specific stage in the process delays hiring, you can investigate the cause and implement measures to streamline it. It's crucial to maintain an agile approach, continuously monitoring and adjusting your process to meet your hiring benchmarks.

Pro tip: Utilise visual dashboards to keep track of your KPIs and quickly identify trends or outliers in your recruitment data.

Efficiently tracking the hiring process through these strategies and tools not only enhances your ability to attract and retain top talent but also optimises resource allocation and boosts overall efficiency. By leveraging technology, implementing structured interviews, and continuously analysing performance data, you can refine your recruitment efforts and achieve better hiring outcomes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to measure the recruitment process?

Measure the recruitment process using these KPIs:

  • Time to fill: Duration taken to fill a job vacancy

  • Cost per hire: Expenses incurred for the hiring process

  • Quality of hire: Performance of new hires

  • Offer acceptance rate: Percentage of job offers accepted

  • Candidate experience: Feedback from candidates

How to evaluate a recruitment process?

To evaluate a recruitment process, consider:

  • Candidate quality and fit: Success of new hires

  • Hiring speed: Efficiency of the process

  • Hiring cost: Budget adherence

  • Process consistency: Uniformity of interview and evaluation methods

  • Candidate feedback: Satisfaction and experience reports

What are KPIs in recruiting?

KPIs in recruiting are key performance indicators that track efficiency and success in hiring. Common KPIs include:

  • Time to hire

  • Cost per hire

  • Quality of hire

  • Source of hire

  • Offer acceptance rate

How do I track time-to-hire?

Track time-to-hire by recording the number of days from when a job is posted until an offer is accepted. Use an ATS to automate this tracking and regularly review the data to identify delays and improve the process.