Comprehensive Guide to Structured Interviewing Software


Lewis Moore


min read


8 Oct 2024

Thinking about running structured interviews?

Building blocks of an interview

You know structured interviews mean the difference between a chaotic hiring process and one that's seamless and consistent. But you’re tired of wasting time on tools that overpromise and underdeliver. Structured interviewing software is here to change that, offering a systematic approach that can transform the way you assess candidates. Let's explore how this technology can refine your recruitment strategy, ensuring you get the most qualified candidates every time.

1. What is Structured Interviewing?

1.1 Definition of Structured Interviewing

At its core, structured interviewing is all about consistency and fairness. It involves a predetermined set of questions that are asked in the same order and format to every candidate. This approach allows you to objectively compare applicants based on their responses, eliminating biases that might occur in unstructured formats. For example, by consistently assessing each candidate on the same criteria, you'll get a much clearer picture of who truly fits the role.

Consider the following components that define structured interviewing:

  • Standardised Questions: All candidates respond to the exact same inquiries.

  • Predefined Scoring System: Scoring is established before interviews commence, ensuring fairness.

  • Focus on Competencies: Questions are tailored to evaluate specific competencies related to the job.

This technique not only enhances reliability but also aids in delivering a superior candidate experience, as every applicant feels they're receiving equal treatment.

Pro-tip: Plan ahead. Before the interview, develop a comprehensive set of questions aligned with the skills and attributes needed for the role. This ensures you’re ready to assess each candidate equally and effectively.

1.2 How Structured Interviewing Improves Hiring

Structured interviewing significantly improves the hiring process. It ensures interviews are not only fair but also tailored to extract the most relevant information about candidates. Here's how it benefits your recruitment strategy:

  • Eliminates Bias: The uniform approach helps minimise unconscious bias, promoting diversity.

  • Improves Decision Quality: Structured interviews lead to better hiring decisions by focusing on factual and competency-based assessments.

  • Enhanced Reliability: With each candidate evaluated in the same manner, you gain consistent and comparable data.

By focusing on quantifiable criteria, structured interviews help ensure that the best-fit candidates are chosen, reducing turnover, training costs and hiring errors.

Pro-tip: To amplify these benefits, use software tools that guide interviewers through the process and ensure compliance with the structured format. This will help in maintaining the consistency of the interviews across the board.

1.3 Benefits of Using Software for Structured Interviews

Using structured interviewing software simplifies the entire recruitment process. Such tools automate much of the work, helping your team stay focused on what matters most - finding the right candidate. Key benefits include:

  • Efficiency: Automating interview processes reduces the administrative burden, saving you time and resources.

  • Real-Time Guidance: Software provides interviewers with real-time prompts and tools to keep interviews on track.

  • Comprehensive Candidate Profiles: With detailed insights from interviews, you can make informed decisions quickly.

Our platform, Evidenced, aids in running structured interviews efficiently, ensuring that every team member follows the established procedures, eliminating gut decisions and improving the quality of hires.

Consider these features of Evidenced:

  • Realtime Guidance: Helps keep interviews on track with structured templates.

  • Interview Builder: Allows for customisable scorecards to align with your specific hiring needs.

  • Interviewer Performance Insights: Provides actionable metrics to continuously improve the process.

Pro-tip: Invest in a robust interviewing tool like Evidenced to standardise your process and support your team in making data-driven hiring decisions. This investment will enhance overall interviewing effectiveness and consistency.

2. Choosing the Right Structured Interviewing Software

2.1 Key Features to Look For

When selecting the right structured interviewing software for your organisation, you should prioritise features that enhance consistency, fairness, and efficiency. A great solution should provide real-time guidance to keep interviewers on track and ensure a fair experience for every candidate. Additionally, look for software that offers customisable interview templates. This allows you to tailor interviews to your specific role requirements while maintaining a standardised approach.

Your chosen platform should also enable interviewer performance insights. These insights are vital for identifying areas where your team can improve, ensuring continuous development in your hiring processes. An excellent software will offer AI-powered assistance that can automate repetitive tasks, letting your team focus on the human aspects of hiring. To explore these features further, take a look at the overview of Evidenced's offerings.

Pro-tip: Ensure that any structured interviewing software you consider can integrate seamlessly with your existing Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This saves substantial time by avoiding dual data entry and enhances the overall recruitment process.

2.2 Understanding Evidenced’s Offering in Structured Interviews

Evidenced offers a robust solution designed to guide your team to make the right hiring decisions with consistency and efficiency. This platform records and transcribes interviews, allowing you to see what's happening in your interviews and adjust accordingly. With its automatic question detection, you can easily bookmark and review key points, drastically reducing miscommunication and errors.

Notable features of Evidenced include its interview builder, which allows you to design and run best-in-class interview templates. Additionally, their candidate experience monitoring offers post-interview surveys, providing unbiased feedback from candidates to help you continuously improve. With Evidenced, you benefit from targetted interviewer training, allowing your team to continuously evolve and refine their skills in conducting structured interviews. For a more detailed examination, see the overview.

Pro-tip: Implement Evidenced's structured interview templates to significantly reduce cognitive load on your interviewers, allowing them to focus on data collection and delivering exceptional candidate interactions.

2.3 Comparing Popular Structured Interviewing Software

When comparing structured interviewing software options, consider factors like usability, integration capabilities, and scalability. Products like Greenhouse and Lever offer basic interviewing features, making them popular choices. However, these might lack the intuitive user guidance and training tools seen in Evidenced. Evidenced stands out as it provides in-depth interviewer performance metrics alongside an easy-to-navigate interface, ensuring even inexperienced team members can conduct interviews effectively.

In terms of scalability, select software should effortlessly support both small teams and growing recruitment demands. While some tools like provide excellent applicant tracking, they may not offer the same level of interviewer insights or candidate feedback collection as Evidenced. It's crucial to weigh these factors against your company's specific needs to make an informed decision.

Pro-tip: Evaluate the vendor's support services when comparing options. Efficient onboarding and ongoing assistance are crucial for maximising the benefits of your chosen software.

3. Implementing Structured Interviewing Software

3.1 Steps for Integration into Your Hiring Process

Integrating structured interviewing software shouldn't be daunting if you approach it step-by-step. Start by aligning the software with your existing systems. Check if it integrates smoothly with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Map out the specific stages of recruitment where the software will be most impactful. This typically includes:

  • Candidate screening

  • Interview scheduling

  • Feedback collection

Next, develop an onboarding plan for your team. Schedule demos and provide access to resources like guides or tutorials. Embrace any customisation options to fit your organisational needs. Ensure data security protocols align with company policies. Continuous testing and adjusting will fine-tune your process.

Pro-tip: Take the time to create structured interview questions that leverage the software effectively. Explore resources, like our guide on writing job interview questions, to optimise this step.

3.2 Training Your Team on Structured Interviewing Software

Training is pivotal for successful software deployment. Start with a comprehensive training session that includes both live demonstrations and self-paced learning modules. Make sure to address the software's full capabilities like real-time guidance and performance analytics. Adopting a hands-on approach ensures your team experiences the software’s benefits firsthand.

Consider developing a knowledge-sharing platform where users can post tips or troubleshoot issues collaboratively. Encourage ongoing support sessions to address new features or user questions. Training should not be a one-time effort but a continuous journey towards proficiency.

Pro-tip: Pair new users with seasoned ones for buddy sessions. This peer-to-peer learning enhances understanding and builds confidence quicker.

3.3 Maximising the Impact with Evidenced

Maximising the impact of structured interviewing software like Evidenced involves leveraging its full suite of features. Start by using real-time interview guidance to keep interviews consistent and focused on target skills. Recognise that Evidenced eliminates guesswork, ensuring decisions are backed by data rather than subjective opinions.

Incorporate its detailed candidate feedback mechanisms to gain insights post-interview. This helps identify potential improvements in the interview process and elevates the candidate experience. Use performance metrics to identify and focus training on less experienced interviewers, accelerating their development path.

Pro-tip: Engage all stakeholders, from HR to managers, in using Evidenced to ensure everyone experiences a consistent and fair interview process. The software's built-in tools make this integration seamless and efficient.

By adopting structured interviewing software, your recruitment process becomes streamlined, objective, and candidate-focused. Evidenced's real-time guidance and feedback tools help transform interviews from a mere formality into a strategic asset, ensuring you hire not only quickly but also wisely. This structured approach supports informed decision-making, delivering long-term value to your organisation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you create a structured interview?

To create a structured interview, start by defining the job requirements and key competencies. Then, develop a set of standardised questions, ensuring they align with these competencies. Utilise tools to consistently score candidate responses. Finally, provide interviewers with a comprehensive guide.

What are the 3 types of interview structures?

The three types of interview structures are:

  1. Structured: Pre-determined questions and scoring.

  2. Semi-structured: Mix of pre-set and open-ended questions.

  3. Unstructured: No fixed questions, spontaneous interactions.

What is a structured interview management?

Structured interview management involves implementing a consistent interview process where all candidates are asked the same set of standard questions. It uses evaluative tools to compare applicant responses uniformly, enhancing fairness and reducing bias.

What is a structured interview format?

A structured interview format is a pre-defined framework used during interviews. It consists of standardised questions, a specific sequence, and a consistent scoring system. This method aims to compare candidates objectively.