The Best Interview Questions to Hire a Facilities Manager




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14 Aug 2024

Need help assessing

a Facilities Manager


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Are you hiring a Facilities Manager and want to ensure you get the perfect fit for your team? These interview questions can help identify the right candidate for the job. From managing multiple facilities to handling compliance with safety regulations, you'll need someone with diverse skills and experiences. Let’s explore what makes a Facilities Manager successful and the key questions to ask during an interview.

1. Understanding the Role of a Facilities Manager

1.1 What is a Facilities Manager?

A Facilities Manager oversees the day-to-day operations of buildings and facilities. They ensure that all systems within the facility function optimally. This includes electrical, plumbing, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), and more. Facilities Managers are often in charge of maintenance crews, and they coordinate vendor and contractor services for larger projects.

They also handle space management, ensuring that the physical environment supports the needs of the organization. This can range from office layout to ensuring accessibility and comfort. Understanding the role involves having a keen eye for detail and the ability to manage multiple facets of the building's operations.

Pro-tip: A Facilities Manager must be able to handle emergency situations efficiently. Ask candidates how they've handled emergencies in previous roles.

1.2 Key Responsibilities

A Facilities Manager has several vital responsibilities such as:

  • Maintenance Scheduling: Ensuring regular maintenance of all building systems to prevent breakdowns.

  • Cost Management: Monitoring and controlling the budget for maintenance and repairs.

  • Health and Safety Compliance: Making sure the facility complies with all safety regulations.

  • Vendor Management: Overseeing external contractors for various services.

  • Space Utilisation: Effective use of space to support organisational needs.

They are also tasked with planning and executing renovations, managing building security, and sometimes handling environmental sustainability initiatives. Each responsibility requires a different skill set, making the role particularly demanding.

Pro-tip: Look for candidates who can give concrete examples of budget management and cost-saving initiatives in their previous roles.

1.3 Skills Needed

The skills required for a Facilities Manager often include:

  • Project Management: Overseeing multiple projects and ensuring they are completed on time and within budget.

  • Technical Knowledge: Understanding the basics of building systems like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing.

  • Communication: Being able to communicate effectively with staff, vendors, and contractors.

  • Problem-Solving: Quickly addressing any issues that arise to minimize disruption.

  • Knowledge of Compliance Standards: Understanding health and safety regulations to ensure the facility remains compliant.

They should also possess leadership skills to manage maintenance teams and contractors, along with analytical skills for budget management and cost-benefit analysis.

Pro-tip: Ensure the candidate has proven experience with facilities management software like CAFM (Computer-Aided Facility Management) systems to streamline operations.

2. Essential Interview Questions for a Facilities Manager

2.1 How do you manage multiple facilities projects?

When you're responsible for several facilities projects, the key is effective prioritisation. Ask about their strategy in juggling tasks such as repairs, maintenance, and upgrades. An ideal candidate might mention using tools like Trello or Asana to track project status and deadlines. They should talk about establishing clear priorities based on urgency and impact on business operations.

Secondly, inquire about communication techniques. Effective facilities managers often use regular update meetings and detailed reporting to keep all stakeholders informed. They should mention who they report to, such as senior management or the head of operations, and what formats they use for updates, like email reports or intranet postings.

Pro-tip: Look for candidates who value transparency and proactive communication.

2.2 Describe a time you reduced costs for facility maintenance

Cost reduction is critical in facility management. Encourage your candidates to give specific instances where they successfully reduced expenses. They might cite implementing energy-efficient solutions like LED lighting or optimising HVAC systems. A strong answer would detail the steps taken, such as conducting an energy audit or renegotiating service contracts.

Next, observe whether they used preventative maintenance plans. This approach could include scheduled equipment servicing to avoid costly repairs or downtime. The candidate should explain the metrics used to measure success, like ROI or reductions in monthly utility bills.

Pro-tip: Seek out examples where cost savings didn't compromise quality or safety.

2.3 How do you ensure compliance with health and safety regulations?

Compliance with health and safety regulations is non-negotiable. You want a candidate who stays updated on relevant laws and standards, such as ISO 45001 or local HSE requirements. Ask about their process for staying informed, including whether they participate in regular training or subscribe to industry updates.

Another indicator of their competence is their method for conducting risk assessments. Candidates should explain how often they carry out these assessments and what tools they use, such as safety checklists or specialised software. They should also describe any corrective actions taken to address identified hazards.

Pro-tip: Strong candidates will mention employee training and engagement as part of their compliance strategy.

2.4 What is your experience with facility management software?

Experience with facility management software is now almost essential. Ask candidates which platforms they are familiar with, such as FM:Systems, Maximo, or Archibus. They should explain how these tools help in streamlining tasks like work order management, space optimisation, or asset tracking.

Moreover, candidates should highlight their ability to integrate software with other business systems. This could involve linking the facility management software with procurement or HR systems to automate processes. Look for specific examples, such as generating automatic reports or setting up alerts for maintenance schedules.

Pro-tip: A well-versed candidate will demonstrate how software usage has improved their efficiency and accuracy.

2.5 Deal with a challenging vendor or contractor

Dealing with challenging vendors or contractors tests a manager's negotiation and conflict resolution skills. Ask for specific examples where the candidate negotiated better terms or resolved disputes. Look for indicators of their approach, such as fostering long-term relationships or using performance metrics to enforce contract terms.

Additionally, their answer should highlight communication strategies. Effective facilities managers often set clear expectations from the start and maintain open lines of communication. They might conduct regular performance reviews or formal meetings to discuss progress and issues.

Pro-tip: Ideal candidates will provide solutions that were fair, legally sound, and beneficial to both parties.

2.6 How do you measure the success of your facilities management?

Success in facilities management can be quantified by a variety of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Ask about specific metrics they use such as uptime, response time for service requests, or cost savings. The ability to reference concrete numbers and improvements is crucial.

Further, seek insight into their method of gathering data and feedback. Do they use occupant satisfaction surveys? Or perhaps they rely on performance data from facility management software? The best candidates will mix quantitative data with qualitative insights to present a well-rounded picture of their success.

Pro-tip: Look for comprehensive answers that combine both financial and operational metrics.

3. Evaluating the Answers: What to Look For

3.1 Problem-Solving Skills

When assessing a Facilities Manager's problem-solving skills, listen for concrete examples. Ask candidates about scenarios where they've faced unexpected challenges. For example, inquire about a time they dealt with an urgent repair or a disruptive malfunction. You're looking for someone who stays calm under pressure and takes swift, effective action.

Also, be attentive to how they gather information and make decisions. Do they consult with team members, or rely on past experiences? The best candidates will demonstrate a methodical approach and provide specific examples of how they've navigated complex issues. They should illustrate clear periods of assessment, action, and reflection on outcomes.

Pro-tip: Look for candidates who show they can identify root causes, not just treat symptoms. This reflects deep problem-solving ability.

3.2 Budget Management Experience

For budget management experience, focus on questions that reveal their understanding and management of financial resources. Ask about specific strategies they've used to control costs or about their experience with forecasting and financial planning. Practical examples like how they managed a large-scale project within budget are crucial.

Attention to detail is critical here. Ask about methods they use to track expenses. Do they use software tools or manual processes? The best answers will highlight detailed approaches to monitoring spending and forecasting future needs. They should also touch on ways they've optimised budgets to ensure facility operations run smoothly without overspending.

Pro-tip: Prioritise candidates who display a balance between cost-saving initiatives and maintaining high facility standards.

3.3 Communication Skills

Strong communication skills are essential for a Facilities Manager. Ask how they communicate with different stakeholders, including management, vendors, and staff. Effective managers should provide clear, concise updates on facility status, issues, and resolutions. Look for examples where they've successfully mediated conflicts or clarified misunderstandings.

Evaluate their ability to translate technical jargon into layman's terms. This is key when explaining potential impacts of facility issues to staff or upper management who may not have a technical background. Strong candidates will display a natural ability to adjust their communication style based on their audience.

Pro-tip: Look for evidence that the candidate can keep their team informed and motivated through consistent, clear communication.

3.4 Understanding of Compliance and Safety Standards

Facility compliance and safety are non-negotiable. You need managers who are well-versed in relevant regulations and standards. Ask candidates to describe their routine for ensuring compliance, including regular safety audits, training programs, and updates based on new regulations.

Assess their familiarity with industry standards like ISO 9001 or OSHA. Firms that operate in multiple jurisdictions need managers aware of local regulations. The best candidates will have a structured approach to keeping up-to-date with these standards and ensuring their facilities are always compliant.

Pro-tip: Choose candidates who not only understand compliance but actively advocate for continuous improvement and education in safety practices.

Effective interviewing for a Facilities Manager is all about asking the right questions and knowing what to listen for in the answers. Focus on finding a skilled problem-solver, an experienced budget manager, a clear communicator, and someone committed to compliance and safety. This approach will help you identify the ideal candidate for your company’s needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What type of questions are asked in an interview for a facility manager?

Questions focus on managing multiple projects, cost reduction, compliance with regulations, experience with management software, dealing with challenging vendors, and measuring success.

What questions should I ask when hiring a manager?

Ask about their approach to problem-solving, budget management, communication with stakeholders, and knowledge of industry compliance and safety standards.

Why should we hire you as a facility manager?

Highlight your experience in efficient facilities management, cost reduction, compliance with regulations, and strong communication and problem-solving skills.

What are the four main functions of a facility manager?

The four main functions are maintenance and operations, safety and compliance, project management, and financial management.